JAE Band and Orchestra Rehearsals Are Underway!
After months of eager anticipation and preparation, full morning rehearsals for the fourth-grade band and orchestra ensembles are underway at JAE! The students have been working hard in weekly, small group lessons since September and are excited that the morning full ensemble rehearsals have begun. In early January, the students were beaming with a sense of wonder and anticipation as they entered the JAE Old Gym for their first full-group practices. This is a monumental step in their growth and development as young student musicians. Students in band and orchestra will continue to participate in weekly rehearsals before school to prepare for their upcoming Spring concerts.
“It has been so exciting to finally hear the full fourth grade band in action after all of the hard work they have been putting in during their small group lessons,” JAE Band Director Cailyn Monastero said.
JAE Orchestra Director Dave Ventura added, “It was so exciting to begin rehearsals with the fourth-grade orchestra! The students are doing an amazing job of playing together and following directions. They were so enthusiastic to finally make music as a group. Students were so willing to help one another with all the procedures that make an orchestra rehearsal successful. Most importantly, the students are giving their best effort to play music together as a team.”
A joint message from Rocky Point Music Department Chairpersons Mr. Craig Knapp and Ms. Amy Schecher read: “The joy and excitement in the room has been wonderful for the first few weeks of fourth grade band and orchestra rehearsals! The level of focus the children are demonstrating is terrific. The Social-Emotional Learning benefits of being a member of a music ensemble are profound, because it is an inherently social activity. Being involved in a performing arts ensemble elicits an emotional response. Neuroscience suggests that when people create music together, pathways in their brain light up to reflect the affective state of consciousness and behaviors that the other person is feeling. The high-quality music instruction the students receive at JAE encourages self-awareness as they improve their own performance skills. Our music education model requires the collective interaction of all students and their instructor. Our music teachers encourage students to establish their own musical goals, and they create an environment where students can formulate solutions for individual or group inaccuracies. Self-reflection, teamwork, and shared successes and failures are also a formula for building empathy. Participating in ensemble music is essentially preparation for living in society, with the added benefit of learning musical content in a fun environment. We are very proud of the work that both Ms. Monastero and Mr. Ventura are doing to provide such meaningful musical experiences for the students at JAE! We would also like to thank the Rocky Point administration and Board of Education for all the support they display for the students and faculty members of the Rocky Point Music Department.”