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Voter Registration - BOE and Budget

Voter Registration

You may register to vote throughout the year by calling the Office of the District Clerk between the hours 9 AM and 3 PM. Call 631-744-1600, extension 7517 for the District Clerk.

To be eligible to vote for the budget or in the school board elections you must be:

  1. At least 18 years of age
  2. A citizen of the United States
  3. A resident of the school district for 30 days
  4. Registered

Absentee Ballots

If you are registered to vote for national, state, and local elections, or if you have voted in any school district election in the last four years, you are registered to vote for the school elections.

Those eligible voters who expect to be out of town or unavailable to vote on May 16, 2023. Contact the District Clerk at 631-744-1600, extension 7517, for more information.