EVERYONE was Irish at the JAE Annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast
The Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School continued a long-standing tradition by hosting its annual Senior Citizen St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast on March 14.
The school’s 5th Grade Student Council, led by adviser Mrs. Jean Costa, and the 5th Grade Select Chorus “High Notes,” under the direction of Mr. Craig Knapp, helped usher in St. Patrick’s Day weekend by providing a joyful and memorable morning for the Rocky Point community and local senior citizens. This year’s menu included pancakes, cooked up by JAE resident culinarians, JAE Principal Mrs. Linda Greening and JAE Assistant Principal Mr. Benjamin Paquette!
The Student Council showcased their leadership skills by helping to plan, organize and secure donations for the special breakfast. Student Council members greeted the guests, distributed printed programs of the festivities, escorted senior citizens to their seats, took their food orders and helped serve their breakfast.
“The St. Patrick's Day Senior Citizen Breakfast was a great success,” Mrs. Costa said. “We had a wonderful turnout with over 130 senior citizens and grandparents from the community in attendance. The Student Council members worked hard planning the event and their Rocky Point pride was evident as they waited on and served breakfast to the senior citizens. The sense of joy and happiness the event brought to those in attendance could be felt by all in the room.”
The event was highlighted with performances by “High Notes,” directed by Mr. Knapp. The chorus students performed renditions of several Irish classic selections including “Danny Boy,” “An Old Irish Blessing,” “An Irish Lullaby,” “Molly Malone” and eleven other Irish and St. Patrick’s Day themed songs. Joining the “High Notes” were performances by JAE Orchestra Director Dave Ventura and JAE Band Director Cailyn Monastero, who performed several Celtic pieces on guitar and oboe. Mr. Ventura also accompanied the “High Notes” on guitar for three songs. A very special addition to this year’s program was the appearance of Mr. Terry Quinn playing the bagpipes. Mr. Quinn is the uncle of “High Notes” member Layla Chudyk, and his performance not only added to the spirit of the event, but his presentation was a complete surprise for Layla.
“I’m extremely proud of my chorus students,” said Mr. Knapp, who in addition to serving as JAE Chorus Director, is the Rocky Point Elementary Music Department Chairperson. “The students worked very hard for many months rehearsing music for this special event. Preparing and performing 15 songs is a monumental task for these singers, and they truly demonstrated what diligence and dedication can result in. I’m also proud of the 23 students who performed beautiful solos, and the three students who performed on drums. A special acknowledgment to “High Notes” member Julianna Vecchione for being the first fifth grade student to interpret one of the St. Patrick’s Day songs using American Sign Language. The students and I were very thankful and appreciative for the warm response received after the performance. It was evident that the community members truly appreciated the efforts of the Student Council and High Notes students. It was a special morning and the students’ commitment and teamwork brought a great sense of joy and school spirit to the Rocky Point community. I am honored to be part of this annual tradition. Thank you to the Rocky Point administration and Board of Education for continuing to support these very important community-building events.”