Rocky Point Union Free School District


Rocky Point’s 11th Annual Science Research Symposium

Rocky Point’s 11th Annual Science Research Symposium thumbnail258444

Rocky Point High School’s science research students explored a variety of research topics for the 11th Annual Science Research Symposium held on May 13.

The evening began with a poster session where the students discussed their projects, followed by student presentations. Director of Math, Science and Technology Jachan Watkis welcomed guests, and seniors Ethan Mattmuller and Renee Ortiz led the student discussions with their projects, “Effects of CO2 acidification on Ilyanassa obsoleta” (sea snails) and “The Effects of Housing Architecture on Seismic Activity,” respectively.

Science Research Honors students Alaura Brophy, Valentina Bruno, Olivia Curtin, Sydney Graf, Benjamin Israel, Ava Jimenez, Sara Kunnecke, Mia Lankop, Tiana McEvoy, Om Patel, Sophia Smyth and Faith Wozny also shared their work. Ethan Mattmuller and Om Patel will also be honored at the Long Island Science Congress Awards ceremony on June 11.

Ninth graders Colin Ark, Robert Bilicki, Hope Franklin, Allison Keane, Daniel Lee, Annabel Parker, Halle Rau, Evan Rubio, Bella Veraldi and Derya Yilmaz shared their proposed projects in the Explorations in Science Research course, which is a prerequisite for the Honors Science Research Explorations course.

The Rocky Point School District thanks science research teacher Melissa Domenchello for guiding these students on their commitment to research throughout this school year, and their persistence in exploring new areas of scientific inquiry.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 5/15/2024