Rocky Point Union Free School District


JAE Hosts Annual “Instrument Petting Zoo”

The Rocky Point Music Department hosted a series of “Introduction to the Instrumental Program” workshops for Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School’s 3rd grade students. thumbnail259725

The Rocky Point Music Department hosted a series of “Introduction to the Instrumental Program” workshops for Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School’s 3rd grade students on June 10. Now in its third year, this event aims to recruit third grade students into the JAE Band and Orchestra instrumental programs.

The event utilized an “Instrument Petting Zoo” format, where several tables were set up based on the various instrument families (brass, woodwind, percussion, string) in the JAE Old Gym. After a brief introduction, the 3rd grade students listened to members of the 5th Grade Band and Orchestra perform short excerpts from their recent Spring Concerts. The 3rd grade students then rotated through the instrument stations where they explored the various instrument options available for them to select. This offered the 3rd grade students an up-close and personal experience, where they were able to see, hold, hear and play the instruments. This event supplied information so that 3rd grade students can make an informed decision about their instrument choice for next year. Members of the Music Department faculty contributed by overseeing each instrument station. Music staff members at the event included Secondary Music Department Chairperson and band director Amy Schecher and band directors Kyra Kenwood, Cailyn Monastero and Vinny Ragona, who each led sessions at the woodwinds, brass and percussion stations. Rocky Point orchestra directors Nick Butcher, Dave Ventura and Meghan Walter guided the students at the various tables for string instruments. Elementary Music Department Chairperson Craig Knapp planned and organized the event and served as host while guiding the students through the sessions.

One of the contributing factors to the success of this event was the inclusion of 5th Grade Band and Orchestra Student Ambassadors. The role of the 5th grade ambassadors included:

1. Helping to demonstrate their instruments and perform for the 3rd graders.

2. Assisting the 3rd grade student with playing the various instrument choices that are available for them to select.

3. Encouraging the 3rd grade students to consider joining the instrumental music program.

4. Providing the opportunity to have 3rd grade students see their older counterparts having fun playing their instrument and engaging in music making.

5. Speaking to the 3rd grade students about their instrument and about their experience playing in band or orchestra.

6. Acting as peer mentors to assist the younger students in making an informed decision when considering an instrument choice for next year.

Each workshop began with a brief introduction from Mr. Knapp, where students reviewed information about the various instrument families they have been learning about in weekly classroom music special area classes. The 3rd grade students then listened to short performances by the 5th Grade Band and Orchestra Student Ambassadors, led by Miss Monastero and Mr. Ventura. Students then rotated in small groups through the various stations and at the end of the session, all students received an informational packet explaining to the students and their parents how to make their instrument selections.

A message from Rocky Point Music Department Chairpersons Mr. Knapp and Ms. Schecher read: “We are very excited about introducing the third grade students to the JAE Instrumental Program! The students had a wonderful time rotating through the various stations and getting to see/hear the instruments that they have been learning about in their weekly special area music classes. We really hope this up-close and personal experience generated excitement for our students to play a band or orchestra instrument, and we feel that this experience was very valuable for the children. It is our desire that the “Instrument Petting Zoo” format greatly assisted the students in making an informed decision for their instrument selection. The entire day was very well-received by students and teachers. We are very happy about having 5th grade students assist with this special event. We really believe that having 5th grade members of band or orchestra acting in leadership roles is a crucial component for recruitment of our 3rd graders. It is also a great source of pride for our 5th grade band and orchestra members. The Student Ambassadors were so helpful and encouraging to the 3rd grade students. Thank you to our talented students for making this endeavor a positive one. We are also incredibly grateful to have such a hardworking and dedicated music department faculty contribute to the success of this day. We are thankful that the Rocky Point School District administration and Board of Education supports our instrumental program beginning in 4th grade.”

Thank you to the following 5th Grade Band and Orchestra Student Ambassadors for participating: Faith Abbe, Antonia Athanasakes, Kylie Beach, Dylan Borella, Alexa Bove, Samantha Casoria, Sonniell Colon, Henry Fiore, Krista Fiorio, Brandon Fox, Corrine Gabriel, Eleni Giagios, Jaileen Gomez, Liliana Gomez, Giovanni Guzman, Paige Houck, Jordan Jaeger, Iaroslav Lev, Sandy Martinez Arce, Katelyn Mercurio, Mya Metzler, Brionna Nace, Kayden Puckey, Autumn Roper, Hadley Schaentzler, Mariel Solano, Chase Stengel, Isabella St. Pierre, Abby Villafane-Kaplan and Mallack Walsh.

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Date Added: 6/14/2024