Rocky Point Union Free School District


Thank you to our JAE Grade 3 Garden Club!

JAE 3rd graders planting flower boxes. thumbnail258584
JAE 3rd graders planting flower boxes. thumbnail258585
JAE 3rd graders planting flower boxes. thumbnail258586

The students, along with adviser Melissa May have been working hard to plant and prepare the gardens for the harvest. Near the building entrance there are new flower boxes. The students planted marigolds, dahlias and verbena. In addition to these, chives, basil and parsley were planted to enrich the herb collection.

“We are eagerly anticipating the growth of our sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes and Roma tomatoes,” Ms. May said. “Soon, we will be nurturing some butterflies and watching them grow. Our students take great pride in their hard work.”

Date Added: 5/20/2024