Rocky Point Union Free School District


JAE’s “High Notes” Receive Gold Rating at NYSSMA Festival

JAE’s “High Notes” Receive Gold Rating at NYSSMA Festival thumbnail259387

Members of Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School’s 5th Grade Select Chorus “High Notes” participated in the New York State School Music Association Major Organization Evaluation Festival on June 5 at Longwood High School. Like a NYSSMA Solo Festival, where students are adjudicated in a solo setting, the NYSSMA Major Organization Evaluation Festival evaluates an entire performing ensemble. Participation at NYSSMA Majors is a genuine way to obtain a true and authentic assessment of how the ensemble has performed.

The 5th Grade Select Chorus “High Notes,” led by JAE Chorus Director Mr. Craig Knapp, performed a Level 2 program. They performed three songs and were evaluated by two certified NYSSMA Major Organization adjudicators (with over 70 combined years of teaching experience). The students were evaluated on 8 categories, which include: tone, intonation, balance, technique, accuracy/execution, diction, interpretation, and influencing factors. The adjudicators provided written and oral feedback on these categories, informing the chorus what they did well, and offered recommendations for further developing their skills.

The 5th Grade Select Chorus “High Notes” received a rating of “Gold.” According to NYSSMA, a “Gold Rating” is awarded to organizations that have demonstrated an outstanding level of technical and artistic skill in each of the evaluative categories, including tone, intonation, balance, technique, accuracy/execution, diction, interpretation and influencing factors, for all three song selections. Any weakness in the musical performance will have been minimal. Recommendations will be given to further enhance their music performance skills.

A congratulatory message from Rocky Point Music Department chairpersons Mr. Knapp and Ms. Amy Schecher read: “The NYSSMA Major Organization Evaluation Festival is the culmination of the music learning process. This includes the hard work, dedication, commitment, process and progress the students have made and exhibited throughout the school year. Earning a rating of “Gold” is not an easy task. It requires a great level of discipline, skill, artistry and attention to detail. It also requires countless hours of rehearsal time. The students performed extremely difficult music for their age level, and we are very proud of their accomplishments. We are very lucky to teach music with such wonderful students and we are thankful to the parents for supporting their children. Thank you to all the administrators and Board of Education members in Rocky Point for continuing to support these forms of experiences for the students and the music department.”

Mr. Knapp added, “Congratulations to the JAE 5th Grade Select Chorus ‘High Notes’ for demonstrating such a high level of proficiency and earning this distinguished level of achievement. Participation at NYSSMA Majors is a truly authentic way to get a true evaluation of what the ensemble has achieved. NYSSMA-certified adjudicators evaluated the “High Notes” and offered written feedback, verbal comments and a rated assessment on their performance of the music. This event provided a great opportunity for the students to work toward a demanding goal of performing in a very different, unique and higher-pressure environment. This was essentially the 5th Grade Select Chorus final exam. I am beyond proud of my students for rising to the challenge!”

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Date Added: 6/7/2024